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Security and risk management

We support the development and expansion of security structures worldwide. 


In this context, we offer police training (on-site and virtual) including on-the-job-training and leadership seminars.


Moreover, we offer strategic consulting such as the development of concepts for personnel security and supply capability in fragile states.


In addition, the preparation of risk and country analyses, as well as the evaluation of sensitive data is part of our services.

Security & Risk Management


Supply Chain Due Diligence - Risk Analysis according to SCDDA (LKSG)

Implementation of a risk analysis for a German health tech company in accordance with the German Supply Chain Act. This includes an abstract risk analysis of the company's business sector and country as well as a concrete analysis of the risks identified using a risk matrix. Moreover, a risk analysis of the direct suppliers was conducted. In the end, a comprehensive analysis according to BAFA standers was submitted.

​ GmbH
Jul. 2024 - Sep. 2024

Security & Risk Management


Country Risk Analysis Serbia

Country-specific risk analysis that evaluates potential social and environmental risks in the Serbian business context. The main purpose was to inform German companies with operations in Serbia, their Serbian suppliers, and Serbian companies active on the EU-market about social and environmental risks in the country and provide practical recommendations.

The reference framework was the German Law on Due Diligence in the Supply Chain (SCDDA) and the envisaged European Directive on Corporate Due Diligence in the Field of Sustainability (CSDD). The secondary analysis was supplemented by a primary analysis (interviews with stakeholder groups and focus group discussions). Further, an overview of action taken, collaboration and support structures (e.g. industry initiatives, activity of relevant international organisations/alliances, available support offers) to meet due diligence requirements was provided. Conclusions for companies with operations in or business relationships to Serbia were drawn up.

May 2023 - Sep. 2023

Security & Risk Management


Framework agreement for the execution of Business Partner Screenings

Conducting risk assessments (business partner screenings, BPS) to identify and evaluate potential reputational risks for GIZ or the German development cooperation that might result from cooperation with private-sector partners, commissioning parties or clients and subsidy providers. The BPS process is an integral component of GIZ’s risk management system. BPS make an important contribution to avoiding risks by identifying, assessing and, if necessary, taking measures to reduce risks before cooperation with external partners begins. The screenings focus on risks for the environment, human rights, workers rights, climate and gender equality. The BPS analyse the following aspects: Field of activity of the partner organisation, Violations of international standards, Reputation of the partner organisation based on press reporting, Potential unintended negative impacts regarding Safeguards + Gender and Public perception of the project topic.

Jan. 2022 - Jan. 2027

Security & Risk Management


Development of a Training Strategy for the African Union Mechanism for Police Cooperation (AFRIPOL)

Development of a comprehensive training strategy, inclusive of an implementation road map, that helps shape Afripol's future actions in the field of combatting transnational crime. Within AFRIPOL the “Training and Capacity-building Department (TCBD)” is the focal point for the implementation of all training and capacity-building activities. The training strategy is developed in close cooperation with Afripol, regional Afircan police organizations, Bundespolizei, Interpol, Cepol, Frontex and GIZ, who are included via interviews and workshops. SWOT analysis and stakeholder mapping were conducted as the basis for the strategy. Strategic models such as the Lean Canvas were combined with creative methods and the integration of the interests of relevant stakeholders. The elaboration of the structure and the definition of the content priorities is achieved through a combination of a top-down and bottom-up approach.

Jan. 2022 - Jul. 2022

Security & Risk Management


Establishment of a risk management system

Analysing and evaluating the operational and organisational structure of the risk management (RM)/security system of GIZ followed by detailed recommendations for action.

Accompanying the implementation process. Co-designing the RM office and training for project staff on RM. Needs analysis and conceptualisation (in cooperation with AIZ).

Jun. 2014 - Mar. 2015

Security & Risk Management


Risk management and security concepts in fragile states

Supporting a more effective implementation of GIZ RM and security concepts in fragile countries worldwide. Clarifying the usability of the reprocessed Afghanistan experience. Close cooperation with the RM office Africa. Elaboration and further development of strategies at a GIZ management conference in Namibia.

Apr. 2015 - Dec. 2015


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